Writing Club

WHO: all writing lovers
WHAT: creativity and fun gatherings
WHEN: every 2nd Sunday night
WHERE: Cafe 8, 54 Linsen Street, near the Hsinchu Train Station
WHY: for the love of the written word
HOW: joyfully!

Group Leader

Tad Wojnicki is a freelance author, painter, and educator holding a Ph.D. in Philosophy and an M.A. in Creative Writing. He is the author of a factual novel, Lie Under the Fig Trees (1966), an experimental haibun novel, Under the Steinbeck Oak (2005), and flash fiction, tanka, and haiku published online and off-line.

Visit Tad's web page Write Like a Lover.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Writing makes me sick. 
It makes me sick when I don't write, heals me when I do, and grinds me to a bleeding stump when I indulge in a writer's block. But have no fear, children, Captain Ivan's got an audience! They are my wonderful writers' group listed here, who actually liked some of the pieces I wrote for them. I enjoy tickling their funnybones or surprising them with my reversals.

Visit my MSN Group